- 17/07/2023
- Economy, News and Fairs
As a solid, independent family company, Rehau has always been committed to ensuring a more sustainable future, with a far-sighted view to protecting the environment and future generations.
Designing progress and improving life: this is the company's ambitious mission, which also extends to corporate social responsibility, oriented towards supporting young talent and social and cultural initiatives. Precisely in order to support and reward the creative thinking of young emerging artists from all over the world, Rehau wished to sponsor the thirteenth edition of the Social World Film Festival (SWFF), from 2 to 9 July in Vico Equense (NA), an International Exhibition of Social Cinema conceived and directed by director Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo, as well as a moment of criticism and cultural aggregation.
Sustainability, innovation and the future
Emerging young artists were called upon this year to develop themes and values at the heart of Rehau's corporate philosophy: sustainability, innovation and the future were in fact the central themes of the feature films, short films and documentaries that took part in the SWFF.
These topics, to which today's generations are particularly involved and sensitive, are part of Rehau's commitment both on a business level, with the offer of ever more convenient and sustainable polymeric material solutions, and on a corporate social responsibility level, with the support of cultural and artistic activities, scientific and humanitarian projects.
A bridge between talented young people and companies
Rehau has long been involved in initiatives supporting ecological, economic, artistic and cultural activities around the world, reaffirming its goal of assuming social responsibility that can bring lasting values.
Sabrina Colantoni, Global Brand Director of the Rehau Group, says that 'culture generates social capital and strengthens the character of a community through its ability to tell a shared story, inspire reflection and form bonds that transcend differences. There is a generation growing up, and we at Rehau want to create a bridge between talented young people and businesses, symbolising the common intent to change perspectives and possibilities for the future through cutting-edge ideas and solutions".
Rehau Prize for the best international film
Rehau supported with a prize of 2,000 euro the Young Film Factory workshop, which saw young Italian film crews compete during the festival in the production of short films on environmental issues, in 72 hours, in Vico Equense.
The company also awarded the highest prize given by the jury, the Rehau Award to the best international film: presenting the Golden Spike Award to 'Luna Negra' by Mexican director Tonatiuh Garcia, was Ivano Poletti, Country Manager of Rehau Italia, who emphasised how much the company believes in young people as the best investment for the future.
The sponsorship of the SWFF in Vico Equense is just one of the events supporting the artistic talent expressed by Rehau on a global level: in fact, the company will also support, as it has done for several years now, the Hof International Film Festival, one of the most important film events in Germany, and will extend its commitment overseas, supporting the Austin Film Festival.
In the photo: Ivano Poletti, Country Manager of Rehau Italia, on stage with SWFF director Giuseppe Alessio Nuzzo