- 17/08/2020
- Paints for furniture
ICA Group, the world leader in the market for wood coatings, confirms a more than positive trend for 2019, recording an increase in turnover compared to the previous year, thanks above all to exports, the conquest of important markets and innovation.
In fact, turnover in 2019 rose to 122.8 million euros, thanks to a 57% increase in exports and to a national position that consolidated significantly.
The Marche-based company owned by the Paniccia family produces over 28 million kg of paints, has four production plants and more than 15 thousand customers worldwide. “Our coatings are present in 80 different countries around the world,“ says President Sandro Paniccia, “and are recognised for their innovative character and sustainability. Technology, knowledge and research are the words that have guided our path since the 1970s, when my father founded the company in Civitanova and with it the first Research & Development centre. If we are at the top of the world today, it is because over the years we have always focused on development, to guarantee high quality and maximum attention to the environment and people's health. The result obtained with the new formulation of organic paints, which do not use oil, is extraordinary and opens up new world scenarios“.
ICA Group and lockdown
The Research & Development centre, the pride and joy of the Marche-based company, proved invaluable during the lockdown period caused by the Covid-19 emergency. In fact, ICA chose to make itself available to the territory, immediately adopting extraordinary safety measures to protect the health of its employees and collaborators, even before the decree of 8 March, including smart working for over 100 people, the activation of free insurance policies and voluntary serological tests (all negative).
In March and April, the laboratory also formulated gels and sanitising sprays and, after research by the purchasing department into the necessary raw materials and suitable packaging, production began. The Paniccia family chose to donate all the sanitizers produced to the hospitals of Asur Marche Area Vasta 3 which, after Milan, has built a Covid centre in Civitanova Marche.
ICA Group and internationalisation
From local to global. The careful policy of the Marche-based company, which is also present abroad with six companies, has in fact enabled it to pursue a profitable internationalisation process that has led it to achieve considerable success across borders and conquer the most flourishing markets.
After the opening of the production plant in India in Gujarat, a joint venture with Pidilite (an investment of 11 million euros), the subsidiary ICA North America, based in Toronto, Canada, was launched in 2019.
Last April, ICA USA, with administrative headquarters in Delaware, was founded.
These new openings undoubtedly strengthen the Italian company's position among the leading companies in the wood coatings sector and complete a ten-year journey that has led the brand to be present in China, Germany, Poland and Spain with companies created locally.
In order to respond promptly to market demand, during the Covid emergency, ICA created a fast and agile remote technical support service that would allow it to interact with anyone who needed advice, advice or opinions. This service is aimed at professional users, not just clients, but the entire B2B world who need expert technical support.
ICA Group and training
From the training point of view, ICA Academy, the company's training body created by the will of the third generation - Andrea, Claudio and Lorenzo Paniccia - and accredited by the Marche Region in 2019 alone, has organised and delivered 10,000 hours of specialist advanced training and boasts 40 courses delivered to 170 companies. Thirteen workshops with training credits have been offered to numerous Italian engineers and architects and held in prestigious locations; two International Career Masters have brought promising young people to the company in line with the mission of this group, which is able to grow every year.