- 18/07/2022
- Economy, News and Fairs
490 proposals submitted and 7 awarded projects
Also this year the Cosentino Design Challenge met with considerable success: 490 projects came from all over the world, 184 of which for the Architecture category and 306 for the Design section.
Seven winning projects, three for the Architecture category and four for the Design category, selected by a jury of excellence made up of leading professionals in the sector, in particular: Santiago Alfonso, Vice President of Marketing and Communication of the Cosentino Group and President of the CDC jury; Malini Karini of Heriot-Watt University Dubai (UAE); Beatrice Blanchard of the École Supérieure Des Arts Modernes, ESAM (France); Eduardo Roig of the Escuela Universitaria de Diseño, Innovación y Tecnología of Madrid, ESNE (Spain); Teresa Franqueira of the University of Aveiro (Portugal); Javier Cortina of the Escuela de Ingeniería del Diseño UPV, ETSID (Spain) and the architect Fran Silvestre.
The seven winning projects were awarded a prize of € 1,000 each.
New this year was the delivery of a certificate of participation assigned to the runners-up for each section, two for the Design category and three for the Architecture category.
The winners of the Architecture Category
For the Architecture category, the proposed theme was "The fifth facade: the reflection on the roof". Candidates were invited to develop a proposal that integrates energy efficiency, functionality, sustainability and design.
The three winning projects are: Modular Ibaiondo (UNIZAR, Zaragoza, Spain); Greenroof (Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Design. FAUD | National University of Cordoba, Argentina); The 7th Facade (University of Évora, Portugal).
The certificate for second place went to Forest in Height (UNIZAR, Zaragoza, Spain); A Beacon in the Mist (ESADA Escuela Superior de Arte y Diseño de Andalucía, Granada, Spain); Bepink (ESNE - Escuela Universitaria de Diseño, Innovación y Tecnología, Madrid, Spain).
The winners of the Design Category
The theme proposed for the Design category was "Rethinking the creative and working space at home". In this case the participants were asked to develop innovative and design solutions for teleworking.
The four winning projects are Lune (ESAM Design Ecole Supérieure des Arts Modernes, Paris, France); Quimera (ESNE - Escuela Universitaria de Diseño, Innovación y Tecnología, Madrid, Spain); IT (EASD Valencia, Spain); Flip (LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore).
They received the certificate for second place: C22 (Escuela de Arte Carlos Pérez Siquier, Almería, Spain); Neighbors Desk (ESAM Design Paris, France).
In the photo, the jury of the Cosentino Design Challenge with the winning projects.