On the last 8th of May, at the Triennale di Milano, the winners of the first edition of IdeasxWood, the first Contest organized by Tabu and aimed at university students and designers under 40, sponsored by ADI, FederlegnoArredo and FSC® Italia, were awarded.
Tabu is the Italian excellence in wood dyeing, based in Cantù (CO), and produces natural dyed and multilaminar veneers for interior design and architecture, as well as collections of decorative wood surfaces based on dyeing technology and intensive research on materials and production processes.
As many as 183 projects from all over the world were submitted, of which 43 were selected by the jury chaired by architect Franco Raggi and composed of: Alfonso Femia, Ambrogio Rossari, Andrea Tagliabue, Diego Florian, Federico Galluzzi, Francesca Losi, Francesco Scullica, Nicola Molteni, Piergiorgio Cazzaniga, Renzo Fauciglietti, Roberta Busnelli, Roberto Tamborini, Sebastiano Cerullo, Stefano Pujatti and Stefano Ronchetti.
The winners of the final Professionals Category
The three awards in the Professionals Category have gone to:
1st Award: City Vibes by Federica Citterio and Williams Pompei; for the figuratively innovative proposal that enhances the technical and aesthetic possibilities of Tabu multilaminar technology, obtaining a texture of remarkable graphic elegance and expressive strength based on only two contrasting shades of wood essences.
2nd Award: Leaf 3D by Riccardo Tomasoni; for the refined narration of Tabu's ecological identity, obtained by playing on the panel a graphic/naturalistic theme based on the delicate texture of vegetable veins taken from a leaf and made three-dimensional with Groovy technology.
3rd Award: Textour Cities - Intrecci di città by Maria Gelvi and Rosalba di Maio; for the virtuous exaltation of the inlay technique obtained with textures created through refined procedures of graphic and chromatic abstraction starting from the planimetry of famous cities.
There are two special mentions, again for the Professionals Category: Flare by Luca Tornaghi, for the elegant and classic approach to continuous modular texturization created with the inlay technique in different shades of wood essences of natural color and Wooden movies by Stefano Angelo Elli, for the conceptual originality of the creative idea that generates a palette of colors declined in thin vertical stripes starting from the removal of colors from photographic sequences of famous films, eventually obtaining geometries and fascinating color ghosts in inlaid wood.
The winners of the final Category Students
In the Students Category the prizes have been awarded to:
1st Award: Tondo Tondo di Nicola da Dalto of the University of Ferrara, Course in Industrial Product Design; for the simple and refined modular composition of squares and circles highlighted with contrasting shades of the same essence to obtain a three-dimensional surface effect.
2nd Award: Incastri by Stefano Bertolini of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Decoration Course; for the brilliant axonometric interweaving of geometric figures with three-dimensional effects of light/dark that enhance the figurative possibilities of the inlay technique revisited in a modern key.
3rd Award: Oro Nero by Francesco Roversi, Greta Cappellini, Alessia Marchesi of the Politecnico di Milano, School of Design; for the harmonious combination of different polygonal figures where the apparent randomness of the forms is traced back to a complex compatibility in which the luminous colours of the wood are enhanced.
There were also two special mentions for the Students section: a Wai by Beatrice Milanesi, Martina Grassi, Alice Carrera, Marco Petazzoni of the Politecnico di Milano, Product Design Course, for the allusive and elegant composition of concentric circles that recalls the natural lines of growth of the sectioned logs transformed into a decorative maxi-milling milled on uniform wood essence; the other special mention was given to Hive Wave by Andrea Mastroianni, Nicholas Berto, Niccolò Puglisi of Politecnico di Milano, Industrial Product Design, for the refined three-dimensional decorative effect obtained by composing wooden inlays of different colours and sizes composed on a hexagonal honeycomb base, creating a surprising chiaroscuro that gives the surface a wavy effect.
Three special prizes were also awarded: the Carpanelli award went to the Jewel Table by Natalia Altamura Sorokolit and Maria Vittoria Sgrò of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Course in Artistic Design for Business, the IQD award was given to Braille by Matteo Corradini, Andrea Molteni, Antonio Sacchet of the Milan Polytechnic, Industrial Product Design, and finally the FSC® Italia award was won by Gingkto Leaf of Katia Ponti.
The announcement of the next edition of the Contest IdeasxWood of Tabu will be published in June 2019 on the website www.ideasxwood.it