- 16/09/2022
- Economy, News and Fairs
The Italian export of goods will grow this year by 10.3%, continuing to record a positive trend also in 2023 (+5%), when it will reach almost 600 billion euros, which will allow Italy to maintain almost unchanged its market share worldwide.
This is the positive figure that emerges from the latest SACE Export Report entitled "Expansive export. Global Challenges and the Value of Being There ”, presented during a live streaming made with and for Italian exporting companies, which shared their experience and the results achieved thanks also to the support of SACE.
The appointment, now in its 16th edition this year, is now the reference compass in the search for markets that allow for a more solid and diversified international positioning, an increasingly strategic aspect for Italian companies.
Italian exports, driving force for our economy
In an increasingly complex scenario, where geopolitical uncertainty, high prices and interruption of supply chains will be the main challenges for Italian exports, this will nevertheless prove to be a valuable driving force for our economy, even if it will be decidedly more expensive.
This year, as we said, Italian exports of goods in value will record a double-digit increase, driven in large part by the price factor, rather than by volume, which will instead express only + 2.6%.
So if this year is the "Expansive export" to push the value of Made in Italy, in 2023, in a still uncertain context, it will be the resilience of companies that will boost foreign sales, thanks also to the support of an ever wider range of insurance-financial and accompanying products and services offered by the SACE Group.
"We have the resources, tools and skills to face global challenges and keep the flag of Italian exports high in the world," commented SACE CEO Alessandra Ricci. "With an increasingly strategic approach, attention to new markets and thanks to all the insurance-financial support that our Group is able to offer, Italian companies can strengthen their competitiveness even in a complex time like this".
Trends by sectors and geographies
According to Sace's 2022 Export Report, we will also see large increases in value this year for the various export sectors, while the increases in volume will generally remain more contained. The return of global inflation will also be reflected in a decline in the purchasing power of businesses and households most in difficulty, which will be able to reduce the resources allocated to the purchase of consumer goods
The conflict in Ukraine is producing different effects in the various countries, albeit with less intensity than the health emergency. Advanced Europe is paying for the critical issues in the supply of inputs, especially energy ones, and the difficulties along global chains, but the economic structure of the countries allows them to mitigate, at least temporarily, these effects.
Among the areas that are benefiting from higher energy prices and new sources of supply sought by Europe, there is undoubtedly the Middle East and North Africa, especially in this area, with significant differences between exporting and non-exporting countries.
Analyzing emerging economies, numerous opportunities for our companies will derive from the public investment plans of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia or India, and from the growing inclusion in the supply chains of national players in Mexico or Colombia.
As for the Asian markets, China's potential remains high, despite a context that is currently less favorable from various points of view; however, Italian exports will be able to benefit from Vietnam's decidedly transformative industrial method.