- 26/10/2018
- Economy and marketing
The furniture bonus is a tax deduction for the purchase of furniture that allows to take advantage of an IRPEF deduction of 50%, divided into ten annual instalments of the same amount.
The mobile bonus is greatly appreciated by Italian consumers, based on the data collected by FederlegnoArredo (77,000 manufacturing companies), Federmobili (which represents 20,000 points of sale) and those elaborated starting from the tax returns of the CAF National Council (20,000 CAF Fiscal Assistance Centres).
In fact, from 2013 to 2016 the bonus was used by 828,428 taxpayers, for a total expenditure of 4.8 billion euro, equal to an average of 8.4% of the annual value of domestic consumption of furniture and home appliances.
In 2016 there was a strong acceleration in the use by taxpayers with an increase of 29.5% compared to the previous year and with a 45.5% increase in terms of total expenditure incurred (1.7 billion euro compared to 1.2 billion in 2015). These significant data indicate that in 2016 purchases of furniture and large domestic appliances with bonuses linked to renovations had an incidence higher than 11% on the annual value of consumption of the goods concerned. From the analysis of the 2018 Income Statement, purchases of furniture made with the use of the bonus in 2017 have consolidated around € 1.7 billion.
“The furniture bonus is an operation that works and generates benefits for the citizens, and supports the wood-furniture sector, which has about 77 thousand companies for most SMEs“, said Emanuele Orsini, President of FederlegnoArredo. “We have always defined it, rather than a bonus, an incentive to the real economy because it has the advantage of giving easier access to those who furnish the house giving the opportunity to buy quality made in Italy products. We are waiting for certain answers on the extension to whole year 2019“.
A winning information campaign
In order to further promote the furniture bonus, Federmobili launched an information campaign through the cinema and the web in spring 2018. Between 20 March and 21 April, the campaign advertisement was seen by almost 1 million viewers in cinemas and had almost 23 thousand views on Youtube and Facebook. To these results are added: 736,588 ad impressions and 3,873 clicks for the Google and Youtube campaign, 107.152 ad views with 4,870 interactions for the Facebook campaign, while the dedicated website www.bonusarredi.it recorded almost 10,000 unique users with 24 thousand pages viewed.
Given the success of the operation, Federmobili decided to repeat the initiative.
“In view of the expiration of the bonus set for 31 December 2018 - explained the President of Federmobili Mauro Mamoli - October 25 starts a new edition of the campaign. The advertisement is visible in the cinemas of the Moviemedia circuit for 14 days, while the strengthening campaign on Google and Facebook will last until November 21st“.