The 2021 Budget Law not only provides for the extension of the Furniture and Household Appliances Bonus, but also increases the expenditure ceiling to €16,000, compared to the €10,000 envisaged until 2020. Another important novelty included in the Budget Law 2021 is the introduction of the so-called Water Bonus equal to 1,000 euro for the replacement of sanitary ware, taps and shower heads with new devices with reduced discharge.
Extremely satisfied with the results obtained by the trade associations, first and foremost Assarredo and Federmobili, which consider these measures essential to give impetus and drive to the entire furnishing sector.
In a joint statement, Assarredo president Maria Porro and Federmobili president Mauro Mamoli said: “Since its introduction, the Furniture Bonus has proved to be a useful and appreciated tool both by families and, naturally, by companies in the sector. The raising of the spending limit from 10 thousand to 16 thousand, requested and supported by Federmobili Confcommercio per Imprese per l'Italia and Assarredo of FederlegnoArredo and included in the 2021 Manoeuvre, therefore represents recognition of the validity of the measure and sanctions the change of perspective imposed by the pandemic towards the home. A place that has suddenly turned into an office, a classroom and a space for constant sharing among all the members of the family, often forced to review the layout of the rooms or change the furnishings to meet new needs“.
Furniture bonus and household appliances 2021
The Furniture Bonus consists of an IRPEF deduction for the purchase of furniture and large household appliances of class no lower than A+ (A or higher for ovens and washer-dryers), to furnish a property undergoing renovation. The deduction is calculated on a maximum amount that until 2020 was 10 thousand euros and from 2021 will rise to 16 thousand. This amount also includes any transport and assembly costs. Reimbursement of 50% of the cost will be made in ten equal annual instalments. The date of purchase of the furniture and household appliances must be after the date on which the renovation work began. To qualify for the furniture bonus, payments must be made by bank transfer or debit or credit card.
The 2021 Budget Law also extended the ecobonus with the rates of 50 and 65%, the facade bonus, the green bonus and the 110% superbonus. In order to support one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic, i.e. exhibition and event organisers, an exemption has also been established for exhibition and event organisers from the payment of the first 2021 IMU instalment on buildings.
“From 2013 to date, the Furniture Bonus has been used by 200,000 beneficiaries per year, demonstrating that it is a measure capable of moving the internal market. The Water Bonus,“ FederlegnoArredo explains, “is part of a broader vision that the Federation has of sustainability and saving raw materials: alongside the energy efficiency of real estate, water efficiency is the other essential element. Exemption from IMU payments for fitters, who have been at a standstill since February, with turnover losses of almost 90 per cent, although we are aware that it is not the solution to everything, is still an intervention that goes in the right direction“.