Hardware for furniture, upholstery, kitchen, coatings and furnishing systems.

Furnishing Idea is the portal dedicated to the furniture and furnishing industry, designed to bring together different professionals such as architects, designers, carpenters, furniture makers and manufacturers active in the furniture market who represent the reference point in terms of innovation and quality of the product offered. On the other hand, the portal aims to provide a valid information service focused on products, projects, events and fairs and everything that revolves around the world of components, semi-finished products and accessories for the furniture industry.


The portal is divided into different sections where you can explore the different products according to different categories, get in touch with manufacturers, download catalogues to keep up with industry trends and watch videos of interviews with the best professionals and manufacturers.


In the articles section you can find all the information about the most innovative product technologies, such as furniture materials, furniture accessories and systems, furniture machinery, furniture hardware, manufactured by manufacturers with a solid experience in the field. In the companies section there is an overview of the manufacturers registered on our portal, divided by product category, where you can contact us for any request. Our portal also has a special catalogues section to allow professionals and operators in the sector to view in a practical way all the catalogues relating to the various products (furniture hardware, upholstery materials, furniture paints, etc.). In addition, to allow easy consultation of the products, our portal has reserved a product section, organized by categories, where you can find out about the technical characteristics, materials and functionality of each product. The video section, on the other hand, presents numerous video interviews given by professionals and manufacturers that report news, insights and informative content on the best technologies in the sector.


In addition, to keep you constantly informed you can also consult our Journal section which contains all the Furnishing Idea magazines dedicated to the furniture and furnishing industry, such as the edition dedicated to Sicam or Interzum, two of the most important trade fairs in the sector. The magazines can be consulted from the portal or easily downloadable in pdf format.


Thanks to the trust placed in us by many manufacturers, our portal is now recognized both nationally and internationally. In fact, there are already many internationally recognized and established companies in the sector, including the AIPEF group (Italian Flexible Expanded Polyurethanes Companies) which promotes scientific information on the use of flexible polyurethane foam in the sectors in which it is used.

Cifm/interzum guangzhou 2020: the fair has won its challenge

The first and only trade fair in the sector “in times of coronavirus“, the 2020 edition of Cifm/interzum guangzhou, a trade fair dedicated to technologies and supplies for the wood and furniture industry, has won its challenge.
In fact, the results obtained have shown that not only can a trade fair be held with the appropriate expedients, maintaining high safety standards, but also how the world market feels the need for trade fair appointments where you can meet in person.
Held from 27 to 30 July at the Pazhou Complex, at the same time as CIFF-China International Furniture Fair, Cifm/interzum guangzhou was attended by 800 exhibitors from 16 countries and 100 thousand visitors. The numbers can certainly not be compared with past editions (remember last year's figures: 1,459 exhibitors, 340 of whom from abroad, 89,858 visitors from 107 countries and regions in China), but they serve to give a positive signal at this time of global uncertainty and to make the event more successful than expected.
Only three Italian companies were present at the fair, namely Paolino Bacci, (machines), Italiana Ferramenta (supplies) and Ica (paints), but there were also other international operators, mainly from European countries, who wanted to take the opportunity to exhibit in China.


A safe trade fair, to be experienced in a positive and profitable way

The Chinese market remains one of the most important in the world. There was intense demand demonstrated by the record number of entries recorded on the third day of the Guangzhou fair, with even better data than those recorded on the same day of the previous edition. This was also proof that the strict measures taken to ensure the health safety of exhibitors and visitors convinced operators that the fair could be visited with peace of mind.
“It was undoubtedly an intense fair, held at a very special time,“ commented Thomas Rosolia, CEO of Koelnmesse Italia. “As the hours went by, the number of visitors increased. This shows that, by maintaining high levels of individual protection and verifying the strong, constant attention from all staff, trade fairs can be experienced in a positive and profitable way“.
“The #B-safe package of measures for operator safety, a long list of interventions and prescriptions, worked and Koelnmesse demonstrated how it is possible to ensure that an exhibition can be held with the necessary peace of mind. A way, I am sure, that will convince a growing number of Italian companies to be with us even in these times that remain complex and worrying,“ concluded Rosolia.

An intense digital activity has accompanied the fair

Particularly active was also the activity on the digital side which led to a sort of “parallel fair“ and which filled the event with new contents and different ways of contact, making it extremely comfortable and easy to “be at the fair“ while staying at home or in your office.
For those international customers who were unable to travel to China due to travel restrictions, interzum guangzhou offered 'Offline2Online Live Business Matching' which allowed them to virtually meet exhibitors to establish business relationships and learn about new products.

Sicam 2021: finally we start again in presence

From 12 to 15 October in Pordenone it will be possible to touch and see for oneself the novelties and the products of 542 exhibitors.
Category: Fairs
Publication date: 08/10/2021

Wood and furniture technologies: an exceptional first half of 2021

Orders for wood-furniture machinery and tools up 100.3% over same half of 2020
Category: Economy and marketing
Publication date: 20/09/2021

Sicam 2021: the fair of recovery, an expected return to normality

From 12 to 15 October 2021 in Pordenone the first international fair in presence dedicated to the furniture supply sector
Category: Fairs
Publication date: 19/07/2021

Xylexpo postponed: next appointment will be in 2022

The conditions prevented the smooth running of an event with an international dimension.
Category: Fairs
Publication date: 27/07/2020

Cifm/interzum guangzhou and Interzum Bogota: the new dates of the two fairs have been decided

The demonstrations had been postponed due to the global health emergency
Category: Fairs
Publication date: 08/04/2020

Xylexpo 2020, biennial technology and supplies for the furniture and wood industry, is postponed

The event will be organized in the second half of the year, on a date to be defined as followspata
Category: Fairs
Publication date: 10/03/2020

Positive results for CIFM / interzum guangzhou 2018

Strong demand for quality, design and sustainability
Category: Fairs
Publication date: 04/05/2018