The passion and skill of Nello Fullin, with the invaluable assistance of his wife Romana, soon made coating the exclusive core business of CFN Verniciatura. The company subsequently expanded its activities from the commercial and civil furnishing sector to the nautical sector, for which it was responsible for the finishing of the interior furniture of yachts.
A company projected into the future
CFN Verniciatura is today a company specialized in the finishing of modern and design furniture components and complements, and is a partner for industrial and artisan companies looking for a high-end product with attention to detail and customization.
The company's strength lies in its ability to work on a range of different types of surfaces, such as wood, glass, metal, methacrylate, polyurethane and other plastic materials, using coating cycles that have been rigorously tested and are the fruit of years of experience.
In order to project the company towards the challenges of the future, the baton is now being passed on to the second generation, which includes Martino and Nicola, the sons of Nello and Romana Fullin.
Among the ambitious goals in the pipeline is the desire to further extend their work to the field of motorhomes and luxury aeronautics.
Quality, flexibility and service
With a strong presence in the Northeast, but also active in the Northwest, CFN Verniciatura saw a 2021 characterized by signs of recovery after the economic difficulties due to the pandemic.
Today, more than ever, it would take a crystal ball to guess the winning formula for successful entrepreneurship," says Nello Fullin. "What our formula cannot lack is the high quality of the workmanship, flexibility in meeting every customer request, and service.
An artisan business, CFN Verniciatura does not aim to compete with more structured competitors in terms of numbers, but to be successful it focuses on the quality of finishes and attention to detail.
Another decisive factor is having the right team made up of competent people, endowed with strong manual skills, with a passion for beauty and well-made, elements that have always been at the base of the success of Italian entrepreneurship.