The Salone del Mobile finally starts again in presence from 7 to 12 June at Rho Fiera with the numbers and dimensions to which we are accustomed: all 20 pavilions of the exhibition center are in fact occupied, for 200 thousand square meters of area and 2,000 exhibitors, 25% of which are foreigners.
The most important international event for the furniture design sector is celebrating its sixtieth edition this year: sixty years in the name of quality and innovation to which today are added the fundamental themes of environmental and social responsibility.
Aware of being a moment, a place and an important tool to be able to think together about the generative capabilities of the project and the role of the entire furniture system, the Salone reaffirms the value of meeting, confrontation and dialogue.
All scheduled events
At the fair it is possible to see all the events: from the Salone Internazionale del Mobile and the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition and Workplace3.0, up to the biennials, EuroCucina, with the collateral event FTK: Technology For the Kitchen and the International Bathroom Exhibition. S.Project is also back, a space transversal to the different areas of the project which debuted with great success in 2019. Finally, the SaloneSatellite, this year present in halls 1/3, with its 600 talents under 35.
The event is also accompanied by a Talk program, which the Salone del Mobile.Milano and the SaloneSatellite stage from 7 to 12 June in their respective arenas: at "Design with Nature", in pavilion 15 of S.Project and in the pavilion 3 of the event dedicated to talents under 35.
In addition to the traditional exhibition program, there are also two ADI thematic exhibitions, linked to the biennials, DESIGNin the Kitchen and DESIGNin the Bathroom, entrusted to the curatorship of the architect Alessandro Colombo with Paola Garbuglio in pavilions 9/11, 22/24, and, in pavilion 15 , the large installation “Design with Nature” curated by Mario Cucinella for the Salone del Mobile: a virtuous ecosystem to represent the future of living.
Responsible design is the protagonist
Sixty years, therefore, of excellent products, but also of responsible design that places man and nature at the center.
“Events are often built around anniversaries to make them special and load them with meaning. Today there is no need. The pandemic and the international scenario require us to reflect deeply on the meaning of this sixtieth edition ”says Maria Porro, President of the Salone del Mobile.Milano. “We are experimenting with new ways of working, traveling, living. An everyday life to be rebuilt that challenges us and pushes us to reinvent ourselves.An entire sector is already working to provide answers on how the spaces we live in must adapt to changes. This Salone is finally an opportunity to share them ".