- 29/01/2020
- Fairs
The next edition of interzum, the most important international event dedicated to supplies, components and semi-finished products for the furniture industry, which will take place from 4 to 7 May 2021 in Cologne, will be even bigger. The layout of the event will in fact be enriched with new spaces in Hall “1Plus“, which will be inaugurated in January 2021 on the occasion of LivingKitchen.
The new layout of interzum 2021
The organizers, redesigning the layout of interzum 2021, wanted on the one hand to reward those sectors that have revealed a positive trend in recent years, and on the other hand to offer visitors the opportunity to have at their disposal the types of goods they are interested in in a more rational and easy to visit. The expansion will give more breathing space to companies in the “Materials & Nature“ segment, which will occupy halls 4.2, 5.2 and 6 as well as the new “1Plus“ hall. The “Function & Components“ segment will also undergo changes: it will still occupy the traditional halls 3.2, 5.1 and 7.8, to which Hall 10.2 will be added.
The “Textile & Machinery“ sector will remain in Halls 9, 10.1, 11.1 and 11.2.
News for exhibitors
In order to offer exhibitors the best possible service, Koelnmesse has also introduced some new features in the registration form: for interzum 2021 the first tranche, which includes the possibility of registering at a reduced rate, will close on 30 April, a month earlier than the traditional date at the end of May, in order to be able to allocate the exhibition spaces in the renovated layout in good time. Another new feature this year will be the possibility to register online. Not only: it will be possible to subscribe to the next two editions of interzum (2021 and 2023) for the benefit of a better planning of the company's commercial commitments, and for those who decide to subscribe to the entire package (interzum 2021 and 2023, Zow 2022) further advantages are expected.