This Sustainability path undertaken by Stone Italiana aims at the progressive integration of ESG issues in every aspect of the company business: from policies in favor of people, to the expansion of activities related to environmental sustainability, up to the definition of a real Plan of Sustainability that will guide all future strategic choices.
Turnover up by 21%
From the 2021 financial year there is a growth in turnover of + 21% compared to the 2021 forecasts of the three-year plan, and the achievement of an important milestone such as the achievement of the Environmental Product Declaration (DAP) for all Quartz and Cosmolite® products, with the extension of the study of the life cycle of materials "from cradle to grave".
The 2021 Sustainability Report clearly shows numbers and percentages: from quartz slabs with the use of resins whose 25% content comes from plant sources, to 11% of recycled raw materials used out of the total quantities purchased.
Cosmolite® Materia Nuova: a sustainable product
Since 1979, the production of Stone Italiana has paid particular attention to industrial processes and their efficiency in an environmental key, also looking for alternative ways to respond to the requests for new products, attentive to the environment and the health of those who produce them.
This is the case of Cosmolite® Materia Nuova, the high-tech slabs project presented in 2021: it is a product made with the use of 100% recycled minerals, sourced in Italy, which allows to reduce CO2 emissions and to limit the percentage of free crystalline silica during processing.
Silvia Dalla Valle, Marketing and Sales Director explains that "The formula provides minerals in different percentages and grain sizes depending on the collections, but united by a common thread: the almost total absence of crystalline silica in its components from processing waste, promoting hence the reuse of pre-consumer recycled materials. The components are also recovered locally in Italy, thus also reducing the consumption of energy for transport. Finally, the resin, component that acts as a binder to the compound, is formulated with a percentage equal to 25% of vegetable origin. Every aspect of Cosmolite® has been carefully studied in terms of its social, environmental and economic impact but also its aesthetic impact in order to be captivating in today's world of surfaces ".
A less contaminated and more sustainable world
The 2021 Sustainability Report is therefore proof of Stone Italiana's collective commitment to a new conscious and sensitive era, which sees the increasing use of recycled aggregates from a circular economy perspective. The company's goal is in fact to further reduce virgin raw materials, with a consequent benefit for the environment in terms of CO2 emitted.