- 17/03/2023
- Economy, News and Fairs
The most topical themes of design and creativity will be addressed in the different sections of the Superdesign Show; Gisella Borioli, Director of the event, and art director Giulio Cappellini illustrated them during the press conference held on 16 March in Via Tortona.
Today is already tomorrow
Learning how to make sustainable choices with the support of products from the well-assimilated circuit of the circular economy. This is the scenario proposed by Materially, which once again this year deepens its research into eco-sustainable and recycled materials, and this time does so by evoking the concept of wonder in a magical and interactive installation.
We then enter the smart home thanks to the large interactive space dedicated to Samsung appliances with sustainability zones and much more. With the Lexus Electrified Sport coupé, we get used to the car of the future, which is naturally electric, does not pollute, does not make noise, drives autonomously, avoids obstacles, warns of dangers, offers safety and is constantly connected. Also on show are prototypes created by the winners of the Lexus Design Award 2023.
Reflecting on the environment and understanding that being eco-friendly is a cultural fact that we have to assimilate from an early age: Massimiliano Mandarini and Creative Italy Lab suggest this by rethinking working and living environments under the banner of inclusiveness and sustainability.
Becoming familiar with digital platforms, virtual experiences, the unreality that becomes real is the other major challenge proposed in an immaterial journey by Istituto Marangoni - School of Design.
Strange but beautiful
This section aims to capture the aesthetic change of objects and furniture in the name of total freedom, individualism and eclecticism.
For the Unexpected Objects, the common thread is surprise, innovation and non-banality in the projects of designers who have worked together with artists. Examples are the ceramics of Pollini Home, the screens of Botto Design Italia by Sebastiano Bottos, the porcelain of the 'Iconoclastic' project by Daamstudio and the techno-creatives of Unuslab and Fluente with their handmade and 3D ceramic work.
And again, the sensory stories of Poliuretano è with 'Inside Matter': seats, acoustic walls and furnishing accessories made of expanded polyurethanes that enhance the comfort of domestic environments. There are also numerous new ideas on the use of materials: from the carbon filaments used by Karbony, a young start-up, to create small architectures to the new type of polyurethane foam presented by Pelma which, thanks to a circular production process, is totally sustainable and regenerative. Also in this section are the 350 coloured magnetic cubes with coating produced by Abet Laminati from Paul Kelley's 'Re-make, Re-model, Re-imagine' project.
Starring young talent and art installations
The 'Stars of Today and Tomorrow' section tells us about next-generation design where the authors are rising talents to watch out for. Interaction with art also has an important place this year and gives the third word 'Imagination' its fullest sense thanks to the exhibitions and installations in the 'Under the Sign of Art' section. "Asian R-evolution", the section that has been reserved for significant Asian presences for years, impresses with a collection of concrete proposals that inserts tradition into modernity and allows us to remain in constant connection with what is happening on the other side of the globe. Lastly, there is the 'Other Horizons' section where we can experiment, discuss, meet and debate precisely on the keywords Inspiration Innovation Imagination.