- 27/11/2020
- Fairs
The decision was in the air. The announcement of the date comes after long and articulated reflections by the top management of the Salone del Mobile and Fiera Milano who had the delicate task of evaluating the best possible solutions to confirm the Salone del Mobile.Milano 2021 and, at the same time, guarantee security in the light of the continuing health crisis. The sixtieth edition of the Salone del Mobile.Milano 2021 will therefore take place in 2021, not as scheduled from 13 to 18 to April, but from 5 to 10 September.
The words of Claudio Luti, President of Salone del Mobile
“Being able to hold the Salone next year - says the president of the Salone del Mobile, Claudio Luti - is an absolute priority for all of us who live by design. We have worked very carefully over the past few weeks to avoid making proclamations or announcements that would then have to be denied or revised in the light of new developments. Moving the date of the Salone del Mobile is not a simple scheduling exercise, but must take into account the many days needed to set up and dismantle the various pavilions and this, in turn, must coincide with the needs of many other events that use the spaces at Fiera Milano. Today, after having reached the best possible solution thanks to the collaboration of Fiera Milano, we can confirm the new date. We are confident that the postponement to September can leave the right time to overcome the still acute phase of the pandemic and really represent a real restart at a global level. We all need the Show in Milan. Clients and designers from all over the world, as well as the press that follows us internationally, have been asking us for answers in recent months about the confirmation of the edition. We will be there and we will be even more beautiful and motivated as companies are working to design and produce the best possible proposals. After such a long time of physical and social distancing in every field, we would like to be able to think about the Show of meeting and real confrontation and to be able to return to get excited together with a city animated by new intentions“.
The 2021 edition, the sixtieth edition of the Salone del Mobile in Milan, will for the first time bring together all the product categories representing a special moment. In addition to the Salone del Mobile, there will also be the Euroluce, Eurocucina FTK - Technolgy for the Kitchen, Salone Internazionale del Bagno, Workplace 3.0 and Salone Internazionale del Complemento d'Arredo.