- 21/11/2019
- Economy and marketing
The new GreenItaly Report of the Symbola Foundation and Unioncamere was presented in Rome on October 28th, from which we can see an acceleration towards the green of the Italian entrepreneurial system with a study on more than 300 stories of circular economy.
More than 432,000 Italian companies in industry and services with employees have invested in the last five years in the green economy to reduce environmental impact, save energy and reduce CO2 emissions. The data show that our country is the leader in Europe for the global recycling rate of waste with peaks of excellence in the recycling of wood, an area in which Italy has already reached the targets of the new waste directive.
The Wood - Furniture supply chain confirms its leadership in terms of sustainability
The GreenItaly Report also confirms the attention paid by the entire Wood - Furniture - Home system to the theme of sustainability. Over the years, 39 member companies of FederlegnoArredo included in the GreenItaly 2019 Report have renewed and innovated their company profile and products, also focusing on sustainability.
According to data collected by FederlegnoArredo, 31% of companies in the sector have made eco-investments in the last four years. In general, it can be argued that these same companies are the ones with the greatest vocation for export, both because environmental investments are increasingly recognized by the market, and because modernity and attention to the environment are now essential factors to maintain their position in global competition.
Tradition, research and innovation are in fact the winning features that for decades have led companies in the supply chain to grow in global markets, as demonstrated by the more than 16 billion euros of exports.
The 'sustainability' project of Assarredo and Symbola Foundation
The GreenItaly Report therefore clearly shows how the Italian industries in the Wood and Furniture sector recognise the opportunities deriving from the green economy and from the development models linked to the circular economy. It is in this context that the project “Sustainability Task Force: design, sustainability and synergies for the leadership of the Italian wood-furniture sector“ is taking place, which will lead the Italian furniture sector to be a world leader on sustainability issues.
“Remaining a leader on the world markets requires not only important investments to witness and certify the quality of products, but a real change in strategy to respond to increasingly stringent requirements and very strict environmental logic“ - explained the president of Assarredo, Claudio Feltrin. In this regard, Assarredo is working in collaboration with the Symbola Foundation on the 'sustainability' project to bring environmental and social responsibility issues to the centre of the sector's development strategies, with the aim of launching the world's first sustainability manifesto for the furniture sector over the next five years.