- 10/09/2021
- Economy and marketing
The findings of the Monitor of FederlegnoArredo's Study Center in the first half of 2021, show a growing trend for the furniture sector evidenced by +21.4% of Italian sales and +5.7% of exports compared to 2019.
The total production of the wood-furniture supply chain stands at 39 billion euros, of which 15 billion euros are destined for exports, more than 300 thousand employees and 71,500 companies, with a positive trade balance of 7.6 billion euros. The furniture macro-system is worth 21 billion euros, of which 11 billion euros are for exports and 10 billion euros for the domestic market.
Furniture and lighting macro-system: exports
In the first five months of 2021, exports of the furniture and lighting macrosystem recorded strong growth (5.4 billion euros, +43.2%) compared to the same period last year, and at the same time a moderate increase (+5.7% compared to 2019) even compared to 2019 figures, when exports were worth 5.1 billion euros.
The top five trade outlets are represented by France (988.5 million euros, +53.7% compared to Jan-May 2020; +15.3% compared to Jan-May 2019), the United States (573.5 million euros; +73.7%; +35.2%), Germany (555.5 million euros; +32.8%; +8.6%) United Kingdom and Switzerland constitute. The top 25 destination markets also showed positive trends, reflecting the good health of our exports.
Furniture and lighting macro-system: domestic market
According to data from the FederlegnoArredo Study Center in the first half of 2021, an increase of 56.2% emerges, compared to the corresponding period of 2020, with a recovery in particular on the Italian market (+65%). Considering also the data of the 1st half of 2019, it emerges a growth compared to that period +19.5% for Italy sales.
The segments most related to the domestic environment closed 2020 with a more contained decline compared to the -9.1% of the entire supply chain, thanks mainly to the partial recovery recorded from June last year. On the other hand, the sectors that paid the heaviest price were those, such as office (-20%) and professional and commercial furniture, that are more linked to non-residential sectors and those that are strongly exposed to foreign markets, as in the case of Lighting and contract.
The problem of availability of raw materials and their price
Furniture companies highlight above all the problem of the availability of raw materials and their price, but also fear that the propensity to purchase of families may return to sectors such as tourism, clothing etc. to the detriment of the home.
However, the general trend appears to be positive, especially for the Italian market, which is taking on a more important role than in recent years, thanks in part to tax incentives. Forecasts, therefore, also show positive signs (on average +22.9%, without substantial differences between Italy and abroad). Many hypothesize a closing of the year 2021 compared to 2020 between +10 and +30%.
A positive trend confirmed by ISTAT data
The wood-furnishing supply chain represents one of the most important Italian manufacturing sectors, an integrated economic chain, from the raw material to the finished product, which creates a flow of high-value products. The trend expressed by companies is also confirmed by the latest available ISTAT data: the latest index of industrial production (calculated on the volume of production), released by Istat for the period January-June 2021, indicates for Furniture companies a rebound of +48.7%; +7.7% compared to 2019; well Kitchens (+64.4%, +15.1% on 2019) while backward (-10.0% on 2019) furniture for offices and stores. Also positive is the industrial production figure for Lighting (Ateco 27.4: +49.5%, +19.9% January-June 2021 over 2019).
In the photo, supersalone 2021, Bonaldo stand (ph. Diego Ravier)