- 22/08/2023
- Economy and marketing
CSIL Centro Studi Industria Leggera, is an independent economic research and development consultancy centre that has been publishing research with data and forecasts on consumption, production and distribution of furniture, household appliances and lighting in 100 countries for over 40 years.
Lately, it has published several very interesting Research Reports such as 'The distribution of furniture in Italy. Analysis by province', 'The world mattress industry', 'The world upholstered furniture industry', 'The office furniture market in North America. United States, Canada and Mexico' as well as the customary 'Nota Previsionale per il Settore Italiano del Mobile' (Forecast Note for the Italian Furniture Sector), which anticipates the 'Forecast Report on the Furniture Sector in Italy, 2024-2026', scheduled for November 2023.
The distribution of furniture in Italy. Analysis by province
The nineteenth edition of the Research Report "Furniture Distribution in Italy. Analysis by province", offers a picture of both furniture distribution and its ongoing evolution, as well as furniture consumption by sectors and distribution channels at a national and territorial level.
More specifically, the 2023 edition of the research, in Italian, contains: the picture of home furniture sales, total and by individual segments (kitchen furniture, living area, sleeping area, upholstered furniture, mattresses, children's bedroom, outdoor furniture, other furniture), year 2022; the outlook for market trends in 2023; furniture imports, by geographical area and main countries. It then analyses the weight and evolution of the distribution channels (Organised Distribution specialised in home furniture sales, Non-Specialised Organised Distribution, Independent Distributors, E-commerce); sales by sectors and distribution channels, on a national scale and by geographical areas. The Report is completed by a focus on key distributors in organised distribution and independent distribution and trends in the purchasing process.
The global mattress market
With a value of around USD 30 billion, the global mattress market has shown steady growth over the past decade, with a remarkable performance in 2021. However, during 2022, especially in the second half of the year, there was a decline in demand for mattresses, mainly due to inflationary pressures that limited consumer spending. The overall market contracted as a result. Despite this temporary contraction, there are nevertheless positive trends and factors that point to a potential increase in the mattress market in the coming years.
The new 2023 edition of the CSIL Report 'The world mattress industry' (in English) is now available. The CSIL Report provides a comprehensive picture of the global mattress industry through time series of basic data (production, consumption, imports and exports 2013-2022), consumption forecasts 2023 and 2024, international trade, country analysis (50 countries in total, with a focus on the top 20) and competitive system analysis.
The world upholstered furniture industry
CSIL has also compiled the new 2023 edition of the Report 'The world upholstered furniture industry' (in English). The study offers a detailed analysis of the world upholstered furniture industry: market size, time series of basic data (production, consumption, international trade 2013-2022), consumption forecasts for 2023-2024, detailed profiles of the main manufacturers and a focus on the top 20 countries in the industry with analysis of the competitive landscape.
With a value of USD 80 billion, the global upholstered furniture market accounts for around 16% of the furniture market as a whole. This segment was among the most dynamic within the global furniture industry, especially in 2021. In several geographic areas, pre-pandemic levels were exceeded, with Europe and North America as the fastest growing areas. According to recent CSIL estimates, the global upholstered furniture market will contract in real terms in 2023, with consumption declining in all regions of the world except Asia and the Middle East. However, a recovery in growth is expected in 2024.
The office furniture market in North America. United States, Canada and Mexico
The North American office furniture market, comprising the United States, Canada and Mexico, accounts for more than a third of global office furniture demand. In 2022, consumption increased by 13%, including a rather significant inflation effect. The United States is the world's largest importer, with a total value of around USD 3 billion. Canada and Mexico are net exporters with a positive trade balance that has gradually improved in recent years. Both markets are strongly linked to the US, accounting for 96% and almost 100% of exports respectively. Canada, in particular, is the second largest exporter of office furniture in the world after China and accounts for more than half of the entire value of North American exports. The competitive landscape is heavily concentrated on a few large players: the top 20 companies hold three quarters of the overall market share.
The 2023 edition of the CSIL Report 'The Office Furniture Market in North America. United States, Canada and Mexico' offers just such an overview of the office furniture industry in North America: market trends 2017-2022 and forecasts to 2024, country-by-country data, office furniture production and consumption trends, imports and exports, and market shares of the major office furniture companies.
Forecast Note for the Italian Furniture Sector
As every year, the Nota Previsionale per il Settore Italiano del Mobile, ed. June 2023, has been available in Italian since June, as an anticipation of the u(November 2023 edition).
It contains final figures for the previous year and forecasts for the following three years for the furniture sector as a whole and for individual segments (upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, other household furniture and office furniture) updated with data available at the beginning of June.
All CSIL Reports are available for purchase online with immediate download or for ordering by e-mail.