Xylexpo, the international biennial of technologies and systems for the wood and furniture industry, held at FieraMilano-Rho from 8 to 12 May, has certainly kept its promises. In fact, it proposed itself as a technology fair for the sub-sectors of the second transformation, of production systems for furniture, of advanced solutions in terms of “Industry X.0“ and in fact it has met the expectations.
The event has found a precise response on the side of professional tour operators who were 17.781, 2.1 percent more than the last edition. 5,032 visitors from abroad, 28.3 percent of the total, marking a result substantially in line with the 2016 edition. From Italy reached 12,749 professionals in the sector, 3.3 percent more than the previous edition, 71.7 percent of the total. Overall, there were 37 thousand entries in the exhibition centre.
“Numbers that allow us to say that Xylexpo has found its place in the increasingly crowded and sometimes confused context of trade fairs“, commented Dario Corbetta, director of the event. “We have made a precise choice, that is, to be the stage of high technology, and this has undoubtedly motivated the presence of an even more selected and prepared public, with decision-making powers and appropriate skills“.
The opening of the fourth pavilion made it possible to better organize the exhibition spaces, thus achieving the 34,785 net square meters of exhibition space in which 425 exhibitors were presented.
XIA-Xylexpo Innovation Awards
On May 9th the XIA-Xylexpo Innovation Awards ceremony was held, the innovation awards that marked the most interesting technological innovations presented at Xylexpo 2018.
In the First Mass Production and Transformation Section, 1st Classified is the Paolino Bacci Srl company for the Master MAX product; the 2nd classified Working Process Srl for the Logos Life Evo XS 2353 Executive machine; the 3rd classified SCM Group Spa for the Smartech Master System.
In the Panel Processing Section, the 1st classified is the company VITAP Costruzioni Meccaniche Spa for the K2 2.0 machine; the 2nd classified HECHT Electronic AG classified for the 4i Inline Scanner technology solution and the 3rd classified Biesse Spa for the SOPHIA digital platform.
In the Finishing section, the 1st classified is the New Finishing Srl for the GHOST-C system; the 2nd classified ICA Spa company for the innovative product: X-MATT; the 3rd classified SCM Group Spa for the Gouache Operator Group.
In the Tools Section, the 1st classified is SCM Group Spa for the combined group of the rounding head for beading machines; the 2nd classified Biesse Spa for the RC60B Aggregate and the 3rd classified, OERTLI Werkzeuge AG for the Centrifugal Applied Technology (CAT) mechanical system.
Special jury mention to HOMAG GmbH for the “Autonomous cell“ production.
The next edition of Xylexpo will take place from Monday 25 to Friday 29 May 2020, abandoning the traditional location from Tuesday to Saturday.