Hardware for furniture, upholstery, kitchen, coatings and furnishing systems.

Furnishing Idea is the portal dedicated to the furniture and furnishing industry, designed to bring together different professionals such as architects, designers, carpenters, furniture makers and manufacturers active in the furniture market who represent the reference point in terms of innovation and quality of the product offered. On the other hand, the portal aims to provide a valid information service focused on products, projects, events and fairs and everything that revolves around the world of components, semi-finished products and accessories for the furniture industry.


The portal is divided into different sections where you can explore the different products according to different categories, get in touch with manufacturers, download catalogues to keep up with industry trends and watch videos of interviews with the best professionals and manufacturers.


In the articles section you can find all the information about the most innovative product technologies, such as furniture materials, furniture accessories and systems, furniture machinery, furniture hardware, manufactured by manufacturers with a solid experience in the field. In the companies section there is an overview of the manufacturers registered on our portal, divided by product category, where you can contact us for any request. Our portal also has a special catalogues section to allow professionals and operators in the sector to view in a practical way all the catalogues relating to the various products (furniture hardware, upholstery materials, furniture paints, etc.). In addition, to allow easy consultation of the products, our portal has reserved a product section, organized by categories, where you can find out about the technical characteristics, materials and functionality of each product. The video section, on the other hand, presents numerous video interviews given by professionals and manufacturers that report news, insights and informative content on the best technologies in the sector.


In addition, to keep you constantly informed you can also consult our Journal section which contains all the Furnishing Idea magazines dedicated to the furniture and furnishing industry, such as the edition dedicated to Sicam or Interzum, two of the most important trade fairs in the sector. The magazines can be consulted from the portal or easily downloadable in pdf format.


Thanks to the trust placed in us by many manufacturers, our portal is now recognized both nationally and internationally. In fact, there are already many internationally recognized and established companies in the sector, including the AIPEF group (Italian Flexible Expanded Polyurethanes Companies) which promotes scientific information on the use of flexible polyurethane foam in the sectors in which it is used.

Wood technologies: 2024 production records an 8.3 percent drop

Preliminary 2024 figures compiled by the Acimall Study Office show that the output of the Italian woodworking technology industry stood at 2.43 billion euros, 8.3 percent less than in 2023.

These results reveal how complex the moment that this sector is also going through is still, and how a sum of negative factors such as the uncertainties that have affected Industry 5.0 measures, the continuing Russian-Ukrainian and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, compounded by stagnation due to exceptional demand in previous years.


Negative export and domestic demand

Both exports (1.7 billion, minus 7.8 percent) and domestic demand (730 million, minus 9.5 percent) turn out to be down, while the collapse in imports (180 million, minus 40.2 percent) shows how the Italian supply side is best able to meet the demand for technology.

The latter fact supports the trade balance (1.52 billion euros, minus 1.5 percent compared to the final 2023 figure), while apparent consumption stops at 910 million, 17.9 percent less than the previous year. However, these numbers place Italy in the very first positions of the wood technology demand ranking both at the European and global level.

As Dario Corbetta, director of Acimall, the confindustrial association that represents companies in the sector, commented, “The situation is certainly not positive and the sector is suffering from a reality temporarily suspended first by the arrival of Covid and then by the incentives that have effectively postponed the structural problems of the sector for a two-year period. A scenario the contours of which are well known: labor shortages, delays in generational turnover and all those challenges facing manufacturing mechanics, not to mention geopolitical tensions that have inevitably slowed exports to some markets.”

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High quality of Italian technology offerings

Speaking of exports, it should be noted that in the first nine months of the year, the United States (129 million, minus 3.6 percent over the same period in 2023), France (122 million, plus 22 percent) and Germany (92 million, minus 1.3 percent) topped the list of our best customers, followed by Poland (74 million, minus 5.4 percent), Spain (56 million, plus 7 percent), the United Kingdom (46 million, minus 28.7 percent), China (45 million, plus 16.8 percent), Sweden (38 million, minus 11.5 percent), Turkey (35 million, plus 21.4 percent) and Belgium (32 million, minus 13.4 percent). Definitely interesting is the trend of our exports to China and Turkey, realities where the production of woodworking machinery has definitely grown in recent decades to the extent that they are competitors to watch carefully. Added Director Corbetta, “Our manufacturers are managing to further consolidate their role in these markets, and this demonstrates not only the quality of the Italian technological offer, but how much it is precisely the most advanced technologies that make the difference, although in the case of Turkey the possibility of possible triangulations to other destinations should be considered.”

At the level of competitiveness in world markets, Italy continues to play a leading role: if we look at the ranking of the main exporting countries for wood and furniture technologies in the periodomanda interna.o January-September 2024, it is China that confirms its first place, with exports worth 1,827 million euros, 7.2 percent more than in the same period 2023. In second place is Germany (1,807 million, minus 12.4 percent) and in third place is Italy (1,138 million, minus 7.6 percent).

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Germany, China and India top suppliers to Italy

On the subject of imports, it should be added that, at the global level, the United States was the best customer of the world's suppliers, purchasing woodworking machinery and equipment abroad to the tune of 1,782 million euros, 0.8 percent less than in the first nine months of 2023. In second place was Germany (635 million in cross-border purchases, down 8.2 percent), followed by Canada (486 million, plus 8.4 percent).

Among Italy's top suppliers, again in the January-September 2024 period, Germany ranks first with 48 million (minus 48.5 percent), followed by China (23 million, minus 7 percent) and India (9 million, minus 49.8 percent).

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Wood-furniture supply chain: turnover at 51.6 billion euros, down 3.1 percent

For Claudio Feltrin, a decline to be considered contained, however, given the current economic and geopolitical context
Category: Economy and marketing
Publication date: 07/02/2025

Wood technology and the furniture industry: the downturn continues

Despite the negative data, the Made in Italy sector continues to be one of the excellences of national supply
Category: Economy and marketing
Publication date: 25/09/2024

Category: Economy and marketing
Publication date: 19/12/2017

Acimall: a team to successfully face the challenges of the future

Re-elected President Lorenzo Primultini
Category: Trade associations
Publication date: 05/07/2017

Biesse at Ligna 2017: think forward

Creating innovation through integrated solutions
Category: Woodworking machines and software
Publication date: 25/05/2017
Company: Biesse s.p.a.

Preliminary results 2016 by Acimall

Positive trend for woodworking technology
Category: Trade associations
Publication date: 09/02/2017