Biesse, a leader in technology for working with wood, glass, stone, plastic and metal, will certainly be the protagonist again at Xylexpo, the biennial world exhibition for woodworking technology and components for the furniture industry, which will take place in Milan from 8 to 12 May.
In the 3,500 square meters of stand Biesse will exhibit 30 working machines, available to the public by specialized operators who will be able to know the technology of interest, always explained by highly specialized technical staff.
At the centre of attention there are SOPHIA and the robotic systems for panels handling: SOPHIA is the Biesse service platform, a practical tool that offers users an effective method of work as it allows you to optimize your working standards and prevent any problems.
The platform SOPHIA is based on the possibility of sending real-time information and data on the technologies in use to optimize the performance and productivity of the machines and plants. The detected data allow to monitor the production, analyse the operation of the machines, identify malfunctions, assist customers in maintenance operations, order spare parts in a short time and prevent any breakdowns.
The applications of the platform SOPHIA
There are two areas in which SOPHIA operate, IoT and Parts, and the applications, IoT SOPHIA and Parts SOPHIA, are already available to download both for Apple and Android.
The application IoT SOPHIA offers the customer visibility in terms of production status with performance parameters summarized on a historical basis and vision of the machines in operation. In case of machine stop the identification code of the stop is visible with the detail if the assistance intervention has already been taken over by the Biesse Team Service.
The application Parts Sophia instead offers the customer the opportunity to browse the documentation of the machines in his possession, directly create a shopping cart parts and monitor the progress through a simple and intuitive tool.
“Biesse ability to create digital, automated and interconnected factories is a reality,“ said Raphaël Prati, marketing and communications director at Biesse Group. “We are presenting ourselves at Xylexpo with the desire to communicate the results of our investments to the entire manufacturing sector and the real benefits that our customers enjoy every day.“