- 31/05/2022
- Economy, News and Fairs
This new training product aims to train professionals able to manage all the theoretical, technical and practical aspects related to color, materials and finishes as well as the emotional identity of surfaces, as well as CMF design experts capable of analyzing trends and transformations to meet the new needs of production sectors and markets.
Collaboration between PoliMi and important companies
The strengths of the Master are the university training of the Politecnico di Milano and the close connection with companies and agencies.
The scientific direction was in fact entrusted to Professor Mario Bisson, associate professor at the Design Department of the Milan Polytechnic, Scientific Director of the Color Laboratory of the Design Department, promoter and co-founder of the Interdepartmental Laboratory of the Milan Polytechnic EDME. In addition to Mario Bisson, to coordinate the new Master, there is also Professor Cristina Boeri, Architect, PhD, adjunct professor of Color and perception at the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano and one of the founders and current president of the Color Association placemaking.
Among the technical partners of the Master, in addition to the presence of Assopannelli - Federlegno, there are primary companies in the sector such as Abet Laminati, ALPI, Fantoni, Saib, Gruppo Mario Saviola, Tabu, Lanta, Cleaf.
“The Master was born in response to the growing demand from companies and the market for professionals able to operate on the perceptual, sensorial and emotional aspects of the project - declared Mario Bisson. "The perceptual component is what the artifact has as a tool for interfacing with the world of the human senses. Over the years, companies have considered this component an essential parameter to make a product successful on the market".
Training of new professional figures
Theoretical lessons, testimonials and technical insights, related to practical activities and workshops to be held in blended mode (online and in person) will constitute the teaching, in English, of the Sensorial Surface Design Master.
The introductory and specialist lessons will be entrusted to professors of the Politecnico di Milano, and to professionals and sector experts from the business world. To these will be added practical activities and workshops to acquire project and management skills as well as participation in project work conducted in small teams.
"The training contents of this Master are deeply linked to the culture of Italian design and the innovative experiences gained in the field of primary design and CMF design" - explained Cristina Boeri.
"It is essential to identify the new professional figures necessary for the growth of our Made in Italy design - commented the President of FederlegnoArredo, Claudio Feltrin - responding to the needs of a market increasingly oriented not only to the technical aspects related to color, materials and to finishes, but also to intangible values connected to the sensory experience and the perception of value of a product.Questo innovativo percorso di insegnamento si inserisce nella strategica collaborazione tra POLI.design e filiera legno-arredo, in uno scambio virtuoso tra progettazione e formazione”.
Master: requirements and cost
The Master is aimed at a maximum of 25 candidates holding a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree/Master’s Degree in design, engineering, architecture. For foreign applicants, equivalent qualifications will be considered valid in their respective systems of study. The Master, which will start in October 2022, has a cost of € 12,000.