What will change in companies' strategies after the Covid-19 emergency? Will it return as before or will there be room for significant change?
Claudia Küchen, Member of the Board of Management of Schattdecor AG, responsible for Design & Marketing, explains how this exceptional situation will encourage us to use more and more digital communication channels while keeping the relational component, Schattdecor's identity element, at the centre.
New opportunities can arise from a crisis situation. Will there be changes in your business environment, and if so, which ones?
“The world is constantly changing. During this Covid-19 pandemic, however, everything is moving much faster, abruptly and more unpredictably than we are used to. Companies are being forced to react quickly and flexibly, to readjust their working methods and also to rethink their infrastructure. Safe and efficient tailor-made solutions are required - whether they are already available or have to be redesigned quickly and from scratch.
This exceptional situation shows how connected we are between our international locations and with what flexibility, but also solidarity, we as a team are able to react to this new situation. The meetings and visits we held in person until recently are now being handled digitally and we are also considering what new channels will be needed in the future.
We live in a digital age and creative minds are now needed for creative solutions. Nevertheless, we will return with more energy than before to our usual office routine, provided that the current precautionary and security measures are taken and complied with. For our work and the way we work as a team and at the customer's side, the relationship component is too important - a basic element of our corporate culture and our identification with the Group and family brand.
We now have the time and space to motivate each other, encouraging us to move forward together, to use the time to optimise processes, to develop new decors and products, but also to create new and modern digital infrastructures. Of course always with the necessary sensitivity, attention and in the knowledge that no one can know how the future will develop or what awaits us. It is important for us to continue together with our partners and long-standing customers. We are all in the same situation. Let me put it this way: Together for a tomorrow that we do not know today - but that we can shape together in the future.
In this period, the importance of the web has emerged more strongly. Are you thinking of using these means more even after the emergency?
“These days, digital communication channels are indispensable. We must react flexibly to the needs of the moment in order to remain in close contact with our customers and partners. At the moment, no one can say how the situation will develop. It is not yet clear whether and above all how trade fairs and events will take place this year and that is also why we are working on alternative projects internally, so that we can always be available to our customers as comprehensively as possible“.
In addition to product quality and technological innovation, what other elements are you planning to focus on to strengthen your image on domestic and foreign markets (quality of work, sustainability, environment, solidarity)?
“As a Group we analyse the development of markets and how they change, move or create new potential. We are at the starting blocks; we must work together with customers and partners to ensure that our sector recovers quickly after the crisis. We want to act with foresight by pursuing projects. Create solutions for tomorrow's life, depending on how it changes. No one can predict for sure how, but we want to be ready, flexible and courageous. There is no doubt that even in these times we can continue to be innovative and expand our product portfolio according to new demands and needs. Now is the time to remain as active as ever“.