- 05/12/2012
- Natural and dyed veneers
New lines of veneer and BIO ECOZEROWith concern for the environment, Tabu has created two new lines of veneer non-toxic, environmentally friendly and which fall under the FSC guidelines. BIO, was born with a great flexibility of supply, a line of veneers obtained from the use of FSC certified wood species. The use also of a process of dyeing free of synthetic dyes is able to enhance the natural beauty of the wood in favor of a better repeatability of color and supply. The line ECOZERO meets the most stringent standards for green building, in fact its use contributes to the achievement of LEED certification for the manufacture eco-friendly. The multilaminar veneers of this line are made with wood certified FSC 100% PURE and with the use of glues devoid of formaldehyde emission.