- 28/03/2022
- Industry news
Product certification: a priority for the wood-furniture supply chain
For the wood-furniture supply chain, product certification has now become a priority. In fact, it is essential for a company to be able to guarantee that a table, a chair, a flooring, a paint, an armchair, a kitchen meet precise standards that define their functionality, safety, origin, quality and sustainability. The product certificate, derived from tests and verifications, is a mark, a document that attests values and performances that may prove important in the choice also from the end consumer.“Things are changing rapidly and there are more and more incentives that lead us to work in the direction of the final consumer”, commented Franco Bulian, director of Catas.
"A trend that, if possible, further increases the value of our work, which becomes more and more a way to communicate to the user clearly and effectively the goodness of what he is buying. For some time we have also been working on communication tools for the certifications issued for our customers, among which some of the main industrial groups of production and now also of large-scale distribution are present. I am referring to a restyling of our certification marks, which allows you to "speak" directly to the consumer or to those who buy certified materials and to make understood immediately within a brand - the Catas Quality Award, the "Made in Italy by Catas" - the values of safety, quality and performance guaranteed by a third party of recognised authority in the sector".
Certify values and truths for the entire supply chain
Back in 1993 Catas released the first “CQA-Catas Quality Award”, the first document that certified the low formaldehyde emission of wood-based panels. Today the institute issues over 180 different certifications, from paints to lamellar profiles, from raw materials to playground flooring. Documents that have always expressed their value in "B2B", or rather in the relationship between producers involved in the different phases of the transition from materials to semi-finished products and then to the finished product. But now Catas wants to talk about quality, to certify values and truths for the entire supply chain, right up to the final consumer.
A step to which, on the one hand, the increasing attention, competence and information of users have contributed, who today choose by being able to access an infinite number of sources of information; on the other hand, the awareness of the companies that in the “certified quality” are inherent essential elements to access the markets, demonstrate their competence, express competitive advantages.