- 27/11/2015
- Industry news
It has been approved in Budget Committee the amendment that brings the capping of expense of the Irpef deduction 50% for the purchase of furniture for young couples from 8.000 € planned by the operation to 16.000 €. “I accepted with great satisfaction the approval from the Senate Committee on Budgets of the doubling of the bonus capping furniture for the young couples that purchase house “ the president of FederlegnoArredo affirmed, Roberto Snaidero. “The choice of the Committee aims to create preferential terms for the so many young people that have intention to create a household, giving them the possibility to purchase products of quality made in Italy. And it is not a case that on this amendment there has been a wide political convergence.“ The approval of the amendment also confirms the attention of the actual Government for a strategic sector for Italy as that of the Wood Furnishing, attention which is bringing to important results both on the internal market - as the Bonus Furniture and the Bonus for the young couples - and both on the international markets. “Really in these days - Snaidero underlined - we are introducing the next edition of the Furniture Fair in Milan to the European press, particularly in Germany, Great Britain and France. And we are finding a great expectation. But this job of promotion would not be possible without the great support that the Ministry of Economic Development and Agency ICE are offering us. It is an unequivocal signal of the fact that our country is making important footsteps for a new industrial policy”.