After two days held for the first time in Turin on 23 and 24 October, on 13 and 14 November it is time for the Milanese event, now in its sixth edition.
The Architect@work format has grown rapidly, obtaining very positive results and succeeding in its main objective of bringing together hundreds of national and international production realities with thousands of architects and interior designers through a dynamic and stimulating formula. In the pre-arranged stands, the exhibitors present their most innovative products and materials, the result of a selection by a technical commission; the side corridors are dedicated to networking, training areas and exhibitions of materials and photo galleries.
IN / OUT: the circular economy in architecture
Also this year the programme of technical seminars held by famous architects is very rich: among the speakers there are Massimiliano Pulice, Alessandro Scandurra, Massimo Iosa Ghini and Marco Vigo with Alessia Garibaldi and Giorgio Piliego. As always, attendance at the seminars gives the right to 7 professional training credits per day.
The theme of the edition of Architect@work 2019 is “IN / OUT: the circular economy in architecture“ where we talk about the alternation and complementarity of the indoor and outdoor components of the various projects and also the regeneration of materials and attention, now essential in recent years, towards eco-sustainability.
In the same vein, the exhibition, curated by architect Arianna Callocchia, entitled “IN / OUT - architecture and materials“ presents the internal/external relationship in architecture conceived as a continuity of space between inside and outside. The exhibition also intends to focus on the concept of requalification, regeneration, reuse and re-cycle in architecture in both indoor and outdoor environments. The aim of the exhibition is to involve architects, designers and companies to better understand the innovative characteristics of selected products and materials particularly suitable for indoor and outdoor projects in full respect of environmental and social sustainability.
Architect@Work at MiCo Milano Congressi on 13 and 14 November from 13 to 20. Free entrance for professionals upon registration at www.architectatwork.it.
Architect@Work Milan: seminars
Wednesday 13 november 1.30 p.m.
Masterplan scali Farini and San Cristoforo in Milano
Supervisor: ing. Massimiliano Pulice (Arcadis)
The design idea of Oma + Laboratorio Permanente is structured on the recovery of degraded areas with techniques with low environmental impact and high ecological profile.
Wednesday 13 november 5 p.m.
Sarca 235 - Open City 3 CFP
Supervisor: arch. Alessandro Scandurra (Scandurra Studio)
Sarca 235 is a renovation of an existing building that falls within the transformation of the industrial area north-east of Milan.
Thursday 14 november 1.30 p.m.
Welcoming with architecture
Supervisor: arch. Massimo Iosa Ghini (Iosa Ghini Associati)
The design experience and skill of the architect linked to the hospitality sector. Some examples to know the trends in the design of innovative accommodation facilities.
Thursday 14 november 5 p.m.
Green facades: two iconic projects
Supervisors: arch. Marco Vigo, arch. Alessia Garibaldi, arch. Giorgio Piliego (DC10 Architetti)
The relationship between interior and exterior and the theme of the facades is interpreted through two exemplifying projects: Living Tortona in Milan and Euro Group in Bollate.