Hardware for furniture, upholstery, kitchen, coatings and furnishing systems.

Furnishing Idea is the portal dedicated to the furniture and furnishing industry, designed to bring together different professionals such as architects, designers, carpenters, furniture makers and manufacturers active in the furniture market who represent the reference point in terms of innovation and quality of the product offered. On the other hand, the portal aims to provide a valid information service focused on products, projects, events and fairs and everything that revolves around the world of components, semi-finished products and accessories for the furniture industry.


The portal is divided into different sections where you can explore the different products according to different categories, get in touch with manufacturers, download catalogues to keep up with industry trends and watch videos of interviews with the best professionals and manufacturers.


In the articles section you can find all the information about the most innovative product technologies, such as furniture materials, furniture accessories and systems, furniture machinery, furniture hardware, manufactured by manufacturers with a solid experience in the field. In the companies section there is an overview of the manufacturers registered on our portal, divided by product category, where you can contact us for any request. Our portal also has a special catalogues section to allow professionals and operators in the sector to view in a practical way all the catalogues relating to the various products (furniture hardware, upholstery materials, furniture paints, etc.). In addition, to allow easy consultation of the products, our portal has reserved a product section, organized by categories, where you can find out about the technical characteristics, materials and functionality of each product. The video section, on the other hand, presents numerous video interviews given by professionals and manufacturers that report news, insights and informative content on the best technologies in the sector.


In addition, to keep you constantly informed you can also consult our Journal section which contains all the Furnishing Idea magazines dedicated to the furniture and furnishing industry, such as the edition dedicated to Sicam or Interzum, two of the most important trade fairs in the sector. The magazines can be consulted from the portal or easily downloadable in pdf format.


Thanks to the trust placed in us by many manufacturers, our portal is now recognized both nationally and internationally. In fact, there are already many internationally recognized and established companies in the sector, including the AIPEF group (Italian Flexible Expanded Polyurethanes Companies) which promotes scientific information on the use of flexible polyurethane foam in the sectors in which it is used.

ADI Design Museum: a cultural centre to discover the meaning and value of design

The ADI Design Museum - Compasso d'Oro was inaugurated in Piazza Compasso d'Oro in Milan. The museum houses the Compasso d'Oro historical collection of objects selected and awarded the most famous Italian design award from 1954 to the present day.
It was “a day of celebration“, as Cultural Heritage Minister Dario Franceschini summed up when he spoke at the inauguration, and “a symbol of restarting not only for Milan but for the whole country“.  Joining Franceschini at the inauguration were ADI president Luciano Galimberti and ADI Foundation president Umberto Cabini, Lombardy Region culture councillor Stefano Bruno Galli, Milan mayor Giuseppe Sala, FederlegnoArredo president Claudio Feltrin and Confindustria vice-president Barbara Beltrame.

A museum for the general public

Created with the support of the city of Milan and the entire country, the ADI Design Museum will not only be a new cultural centre for design, but will also pay particular attention to the general public: through the new form that characterises the thematic in-depth studies, conferences, workshops for young people and events, it will be possible for everyone to discover the meaning and value of design for the whole of society in a new and personal experience. “This is an important achievement for ADI and the ADI Foundation,“ explains Cabini. “It will be a museum with responsibilities that go beyond association boundaries and with a commitment to the community as well as to the Made in Italy community.“
The space is located in Milan at Piazza Compasso d'Oro 1, near Via Ceresio and Piazzale Monumentale, and is part of a former industrial area with a high architectural and urbanistic value, which has undergone major urban redevelopment in recent years.


Five permanent collections and three temporary exhibitions

Eight in-depth exhibitions illustrate the different historical moments of Italian design, all related to the pieces in the Collection.
There are currently five permanent collections and three temporary exhibitions in the new ADI Design Museum. The five permanent collections are: “Il cucchiaio e la città. Permanent exhibition Historic Compasso d'Oro Collection“, “Compasso d'Oro, Measuring the World“,
“Manifesto alla Carriera. Homage of Italian graphics to the Compasso d'Oro Masters“, “Bìos - Sistema Design Italia“, video installation by Politecnico di Milano and “Il design entra nella storia“ video installation by IED.
The three temporary exhibitions are also very interesting: “Giulio Castelli. La cultura imprenditoriale del sistema design“, “Uno a Uno. La specie degli oggetti“ and “Renata Bonfanti. Tessere la gioia“.
The ADI Design Museum will be open to the public, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10.30 am to 8 pm, and tickets can be purchased on the museum's website, or by contacting the cultural mediators who will assist visitors, or through an app - Adi Design Museum - available on App Store and Google Play. An interesting novelty for young people: the museum follows the principle of the “city of 15 minutes“ whereby, thanks to Fondazione Cariplo, admission is free for all young people who live and study in an area no further than 15 minutes from the museum. 

ADI Design Museum Milan - ph © M.Bonetti

Elica's Lhov integrated cooking and suction system wins Compasso D'Oro award

Under the guidance of Fabrizio Crisà, Chief Design Officer, Elica confirms its constant quest to combine aesthetics and functionality
Category: Hobs
Publication date: 24/06/2024
Company: Elica S.p.A

Design Economy 2023: the role of design in the ecological transition

The report, presented at the ADI Design Museum, offers a snapshot of the value generated by design for the competitiveness of the national production system
Category: Economy and marketing
Publication date: 21/04/2023

XXVII Compasso d'Oro ADI: the winners of the 2022 edition awarded

The ADI Design Museum hosted the award ceremony for the most important Italian design award, inspired this year by three key words: Development, Sustainable, Responsible
Category: Economy, News and Fairs
Publication date: 24/06/2022

The economics of design in Italy in the Symbola Foundation Report

The value of design for the competitiveness of the national production system
Category: Economy and marketing
Publication date: 26/04/2022

ADI Design index 2020: on display the best products of Italian design

The new ADI Design Museum in Milan proposes itself as a showcase for the creativity of Made in Italy
Category: Industry news
Publication date: 14/06/2021

Fuorisalone Digital Edition: design is back in the spotlight in Milan

From 12 to 18 April, the event in digital format will address the theme of Forms of Living
Category: Industry news
Publication date: 12/04/2021

HOMI, the Lifestyle Trade Fair, will be held in conjunction with the Salone del Mobile

Home and sustainability are the new design trends according to a survey by Sole 24ORE Radiocor for Homi
Category: Fairs
Publication date: 04/01/2021

Design Economy 2020: the report produced by Fondazione Symbola, Deloitte and POLI.design

The Report aims to highlight the value of design for the competitiveness of the national production system
Category: Economy and marketing
Publication date: 30/11/2020

Salone del Mobile.Milano 2019: visitors and business are growing

Creativity and sustainability among the elements that characterize this edition
Category: Fairs
Publication date: 15/04/2019