Products that emphasize the pleasure of living everyday, for about the technique and style, a result of a perpetual job search, the company Trislaig (VI), Italy Vibo, a leader in the creation of metallic wire accessories for the world of Mobile, realizes, within its structure, the items that are used by many furniture factories throughout the world. Vibo is present on international markets for over 25 years, and along a vein production based on the evolution of style and pandering to the needs of the client has established itself in the specific areas of the kitchen cabinet and bathroom. Notable is his catalog that blends practicality and style, made in Italy, so its accessories can be considered, without a doubt of contradiction, as amongst the most reliable of their kind. No wonder, then, this happened, considering the perennial and constant collaboration with esteemed designers, the constant analysis of new materials, attention to performance and ergonomics.
One example is the new column of Vibo: useful to quickly choose the foods. Made with a removable structure, designed for door hinges, opening to 180 °, in modules of 450 and 600 mm, with mechanical reversible, it is a full article five baskets or elliptical cross-section wire.